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Hello and welcome to my personal art webpage! I'm Stephen, 20, and I hail from Sydney in the land down under, Australia. First and foremost thank you for visiting my site whether it be on your own behalf...or mine. It is my job as an artist, not only to produce artworks, but also to send them to as many eyes as possible, which hopefully this website is doing for me. It is my duty to entertain, to compel, to inspire.
Linked with my site is that of two of my fellow artistic companions, Hayley Forner, and Christian Cuello. I suggest that you visit their sites, as they are young, upcoming and enthusiastic artists, and their art is of a high standard - volumes of their works will be professionally published one day!
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Last updated: November 07, 2002.
***Website index page and banner includes lyrics from Sheryl Crow's I Shall Believe (Sheryl Crow/Bill Bottrell), from her album "Tuesday Night Music Club", 1993 A&M Records.